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Modified Calendar & Extended Learning

Learn more about the modified school calendar & extended learning at Tucker

Samuel W. Tucker Elementary was the first school in Alexandria to become a modified calendar school. Rather than a typical summer vacation, our students enjoy shorter breaks throughout the year with a shorter break over the summer. We refer to these breaks as extended learning. During extended learning, students partake in both remediation and enrichment classes.

Research shows that there are many benefits to a modified school calendar, some of which are outlined below:

  • Learning is continuous with a modified school calendar. The extent of learning loss that results from interruptions in learning due to school closure is reduced when learning is spread out over extended periods.
  • Studies show that children do not maintain the same rate of learning over the summer as they do during the traditional school year. Low-achieving students are more seriously affected by this decline than average and high achievers.
  • Studies also show that students remember more information, especially in reading and math, which means increased performance in the classroom.
  • Extended learning will result in less stress and burnout for teachers and students. The break refreshes teachers and students and increases enthusiasm and motivation for teaching and learning.
  • Schools who have adopted the modified school calendar report increased student attendance, fewer discipline problems, and a reduced student dropout rate for older students.
  • The new calendar provides families with a more flexible way to plan family gatherings and vacations.

Here's what some of our Tucker families have to say about extended learning:

“The extended learning has helped our son become more confident and not afraid to make mistakes."

"Our family loves extended learning! I gave my son the chance to stay home over extended learning and hang out with his baby brother. He said, 'Not this time, maybe next time.”"We are so pleased that our son learned how to count to 100, and that he is pronouncing numbers correctly now! I've never seen him so happy and eager to go to school and learn! Thank you for a great extended learning session!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Information for Educators

Remediation Classes

Remediation classes are taught by certified teachers with a curriculum that is specially designed by Tucker teachers to provide students with opportunities to master language arts or mathematics objectives from the previous quarter. If you are interested in teaching a remediation class, you must be a certified teacher. Remediation classes have a maximum of 15 students enrolled.

Enrichment Classes

We would love to have you share your talents with Tucker students by teaching an enrichment class. Enrichment classes may be taught by certified and non-certified teachers. Please note that enrichment teachers are expected to design their own class and submit a proposal and course outline.

Enrichment classes are offered in the extended learning catalog and are subject to cancellation if a minimum number of students do not register for them. 

Enrichment teachers can expect classes of 18 students. The most successful and popular enrichment classes provide students with hands-on, memorable experiences.

All extended learning teachers who have not been processed by the Alexandria City Public Schools system must be processed by the Human Resources Department. This entails completing paperwork, being fingerprinted, having a background check, and showing evidence of a negative TB test within the last 12 months. A fee of $47 will be collected for fingerprinting and child abuse screening. Unfortunately, we cannot offer direct deposit for extended learning pay.

If you would like more information or you are interested in teaching an extended learning class, please email Pam Tiemeyer, Extended Learning Coordinator at with your name, a copy of your résumé and how you heard about our program.